Graduate student Reza Ebadi is this year’s winner of the Biruni Award! Congrats Reza!
Our preprint Design of a quantum diamond microscope with efficient scanning confocal readout is now on arXiv!
Our preprint TEMPO: A Python Package for Time Evolution of Pulse Sequences in QuTiP is now on arXiv!
Our paper LISA double white dwarf binaries as Galactic accelerometers has been published in Physical Review D!
Our paper Diamond micro-chip for quantum microscopy has been published in AVS Quantum Science!
Our preprint High-resolution, Wide-frequency-range Magnetic Spectroscopy with Solid-state Spin Ensembles is now on arXiv!
Our paper Quantum diamond microscope for narrowband magnetic imaging with high spatial and spectral resolution has been published in Physical Review Applied!
Our paper All-in-one quantum diamond microscope for sensor characterization has been published in AVS Quantum Science!
Our preprint Beyond Average Hamiltonian Theory for Quantum Sensing is now on arXiv!