2017 Photos of the Month
Mikael, a postdoc, just finished setting up a pulsed MW setup to develop novel NV imaging tools. This new setup is built on our new optics table!
For this year’s Halloween, Walsworth group decided to dress up like Ron, white shirts tugged in, blue jeans and white sneakers. The surprise at the group meeting was a great success, however, clearly you can see some ‘defects’ among the group.
Another Halloween picture!
Aakash Ravi was recently married in New Hampshire. Aakash and his wife Liane are avid rock climbers. It is clear that Liane married beneath her, as all women do
Our collaborator Prof. Roger Fu of Harvard’s Earth and Planetary Science Department performs fieldwork in western Australia, where some of the oldest rocks in the world can be found. Paleomagnetism in these rocks can be mapped with high spatial resolution using the quantum diamond microscope, providing key information about the origin of the Earth’s geodynamo.
They used diamond with high density NV to align the detection path. You can see the diamond is glowing red by eyes!
Jenny, the Hertz fellow, was featured in the Hertz foundation webpage for her work on imaging neuron signals using NV quantum diamond microscope.
Emma assembling a PCB board on a mount for her experiment. Emma is working on single-molecule NMR using NV diamond as a testbed.
Ron attended the Spin Superfluidity meeting on the island of Moorea. In the afternoon the attendees could swim amongst the coral and tropical fish — as Ron is doing here — or hike the many volcanic mountains on this lush island.
Many collaborators and colleagues also attended this meeting, such as Prof. Amir Yacoby of Harvard, shown with Ron.
Ron attended the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE) conference in Snowbird, Utah. In the afternoon the attendees could go to the top of the 11,000 mountain and enjoy great skiing.
Many collaborators and colleagues also attended this meeting, such as Prof. Hongkun Park of Harvard, as shown with Ron.
Happy new year from the TNG ! (Photo taken by David Phillips and Aakash Ravi from their lastest visit to the Canary Island)