2020 Photos of the Month
We are thrilled for former Walsworth group grad student Jenny Schloss who has been awarded the prestigious 2019 Hertz Foundation Thesis Prize! Congratulations Jenny!
Grad students, JJ, Chen, Jiashen, Emma, and Shantam (from left to right), jump for joy at the rapid progress of the IDEA Factory construction — home of the Quantum Technology Center (QTC)!
Postdoc Kevin Olsson tests equipment to build the first of many NV experiments for the new lab located in the Atlantic building at the University of Maryland.
Matt Rosen and colleagues have demonstrated the use of a portable low-field MRI scanner at the bedside of critically ill patients, including some with COVID. This new technology grew out of work performed in Rosen‘s lab as well as earlier enabling research in the Walsworth group. Here, Matt (left) is shown with colleague Taylor Kimberly next to a Hyperfine portable MRI scanner at Massachusetts General Hospital.
August was a great month for the Walsworth group — we celebrated a trifecta of thesis defenses! Hearty congratulations to Dr. Nick Langellier, Dr. Matthew Turner and Dr. Connor Hart!
The new normal: senior graduate student Matthew Turner conducts NV-diamond experiments in the basement of Northwest Labs at Harvard University during COVID-19.
Welcome new students! Reza Ebadi (top left), Emma Huckestein (top right), Zechuan Yin (bottom left), and Jiashen Tang (bottom right).
Postdocs Mason Marshall and Raisa Trubko tune in to David Phillips‘ APS April meeting virtual talk on dark matter searches using stellar accelerations.
Stay home, stay safe folks! Let’s all get through this together.
NMR experiment moves to its new home on campus!
David visits Madagascar, braves rough seas and cyclones, and feeds lemurs.
Walsworth group offices get a surprise visitor thanks to Nithya. Welcome Munchkin!