Our paper on Dressed-state control of effective dipolar interaction between strongly-coupled solid-state spins has been published in npj Quantum Information!
Our paper on Controllable tunability of a Chern number within the electronic-nuclear spin system in diamond has been published in npj Quantum Information!
Our paper on Mineral Detection of Neutrinos and Dark Matter.
A Whitepaper has been published in Physics of the Dark Universe!
Our preprint Galactic Axion Laser Interferometer Leveraging Electro-Optics: GALILEO is now on arXiv!
Our review paper on Quantum sensors for biomedical applications has been published in Nature Review Physics!
Our paper on Mineral Detection of Neutrinos and Dark Matter.
A Whitepaper has been posted on arXiv!
Our paper on Controllable tunability of a Chern number within the electronic-nuclear spin system in diamond has been posted on arXiv!
Our paper on Directional detection of dark matter using solid-state quantum sensing has been published in AVS Quantum Science!
Our paper on Ramsey Envelope Modulation in NV Diamond Magnetometry has been published in Physical Review B!