Contributions to Books, Magazines and Monographs
- 2021.
- Atom-like crystal defects: From quantum computers to biological sensors
Lilian Childress, Ronald Walsworth, and Mikhail Lukin, Physics Today 67, 10, 38 (2014) - Optical magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. V.M. Acosta, D. Budker, P.R. Hemmer, J.R. Maze, and R.L. Walsworth, in Optical Magnetometry, edited by D. Budker and D. F. Jackson Kimball (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2013), pp. 142-166.
- Towards Posture-Dependent Human Pulmonary Oxygen Mapping using Hyperpolarized Helium and an Open-Access MRI System
R.W. Mair, L.L. Tsai, C-H. Li, M.J. Barlow, R.N. Scheidegger, M.S. Rosen, S. Patz and R.L. Walsworth
in “Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Spatially Resolved NMR Techniques and Applications,
Proc. 2007 International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy”,
(WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, Weinheim, 2009), p. 117-127. - Tests of Lorentz Symmetry in the Spin-Coupling Sector
R.L. Walsworth
in “Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Physics” 702, 493-505 (2006). - Collisions give sense of direction
R.E. Stoner and R. L. Walsworth
Nature Physics, 2, 17-18 (January 2006) - A Novel Absorption Resonance for Atomic Clocks
D.F. Phillips, I. Novikova, S. Zibrov, C. Smallwood, A.V. Taichenachev, V.I. Yudin, R.L. Walsworth, and A.S. Zibrov
in “Proc. 2005 Joint IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting”,
(IEEE, New York, 2005), p. 767. - Tests of CPT and Lorentz Symmetry using Hydrogen and Noble-Gas Masers
R.L. Walsworth
in “Third Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry”, edited by V.A. Kostelecky
(World Scientific, Singapore, 2004). - The Maser at 50
R. L. Walsworth
Science, 306, 236 (October 8, 2004). - Balancing atoms probe fundamental symmetries
R.E. Stoner and R.L. Walsworth,
Physics World, March, 2003. - Toward Manipulating Quantum Information Using Atomic Ensembles
M.D. Lukin, A. Andre, M.A. Eisaman, M. Hohensee, D.F. Phillips, C.H. van der Wal, R.L. Walsworth, A.S. Zibrov
in “Proc. Eighteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP)” edited by H.R. Sadeghpour, E.J. Heller, and D.E. Pritchard (Cambridge, MA, 2002), p. 231. - The Real Story Behind Stopping Light
R. Walsworth, S. Yelin, and M. Lukin
Optics and Photonics News 13(5), 50 (May, 2002). - Tests of CPT and Lorentz Symmetry using Hydrogen and Noble-Gas Masers
R.L. Walsworth
in “Second Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry”, edited by V.A. Kostelecky (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002). - New clock-comparison searches for Lorentz and CPT violation
R.L. Walsworth, D. Bear, M.A. Humphrey, E.M. Mattison, D.F. Phillips, R.E. Stoner, and R.F.C. Vessot
in “Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, 3rd International Symposium”, edited by X.-H. Guo, A.W. Thomas, and A.G. Williams (AIP, New York, 2000), p. 119. - Testing Local Lorentz Invariance with Zeeman Masers
R.E. Stoner
in “CPT and Lorentz Symmetry”, edited by V.A. Kostelecky (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999), p. 201. - Precision measurements with new hydrogen, rubidium, and noble gas masers
R.L. Walsworth, E.M. Mattison, R.E. Stoner, K.Y.N. Tan, R.F.C. Vessot, and I.A. Yu
in “Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology”, edited by J. Bergquist (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), p. 187. - The cold hydrogen maser
R.F.C. Vessot, E.M. Mattison, R.L. Walsworth, and I.F. Silvera
in “Frequency Standards and Metrology, Proc. 4th Symposium”, edited by A. De Marchi (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989), p. 88.
Invited Conference Presentations
- A green astro-comb for Earth-like exoplanet searches
C.-H. Li, A.G. Glenday, G. Chang, L.-J. Chen, G. Furesz, N. Langellier, A. Zibrov, F. Kärtner, D.F. Phillips, D. Sasselov, A. Szentgyorgyi, R.L. Walsworth
Frontiers in Optics, Tucson, Arizona, October 19-23, 2014 - Roll Your Own Scanner II: Systems for Lung Imaging with Hyperpolarized Noble Gases
R.W. Mair
Educational Workshops – 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, HI, April 2009 - Use of hyperpolarized noble gas MRI to study human lung function
R.W. Mair
Norwegian National NMR Conference, Oppdal, Norway, January 16-18, 2008. - Improving 3He polarization for human lung imaging in subjects in horizontal and vertical orientations
R.W. Mair
9th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Aachen, Germany, September 3-7, 2007 - Human lung imaging in supine versus upright positions with a 6.5 mT open-access 3He MRI system: Initial results
L.L. Tsai, R.W. Mair, M.S. Rosen, S. Patz and R.L. Walsworth
2006 International Workshop on Functional Lung Imaging, Philadelphia, PA, September 14-16, 2006 - Experimental tests of CPT and Lorentz symmetry
R.L. Walsworth
3rd International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Cincinnati, OH, September, 2003 - Development of a Human-Scale Open-Access MRI System for Orientational Lung Study
R.W. Mair
Hyperpolarized Gas Study Session, Eleventh Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, July 2003 - Clock Comparison Searches for Lorentz and CPT Violation with Atomic Masers
D.F. Phillips
April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Philadelphia, PA, April 2003 - Development of an Open-Geometry Human-Scale Low-Field MRI System
R.L. Walsworth, F.W. Hersman, I. Ruset, S. Patz, M.I. Hrovat, R.W. Mair, M.S. Rosen, L.L. Tsai
NASA Bioastronautics Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, January, 2003 - Tests of CPT and Lorentz symmetry using noble gas masers
R.L. Walsworth
International Workshop on Polarized 3He Beams and Gas Targets and Their Applications, Oppenheim, Germany, September 2002 - Storing or “stopping” light pulses in atomic ensembles using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT)
R.L. Walsworth
Eighteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP), Cambridge, MA, July, 2002 - Update on the Walsworth/Lukin “Stored Light” Collaboration at Harvard
R.L. Walsworth
KITP Miniprogram on Quantum Optics, Santa Barbara, CA, July 8-26, 2002
- Slides of this presentation are available here
- Tests of CPT and Lorentz symmetry using hydrogen and noble gas masers
R.L. Walsworth
Joint Session of the Annual Meetings of the Division of Particle and Fields (DPF) and the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP) of the American Physical Society, Williamsburg, VA, May, 2002 - The Real Story Behind Stopping Light
R.L. Walsworth
Ohio Section Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Youngstown, OH, April, 2002 - Applications of Laser-Polarized Noble Gases to NMR studies of Complex Media
R.W. Mair and R.L. Walsworth
Proc. 4th Australian and New Zealand Magnetic Resonance Society Conference, Taupo, New Zealand, February 2002 - Novel MRI Applications of Laser-Polarized Noble Gases
R.W. Mair and R.L. Walsworth
Proc. Sixth Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Nottingham, UK, September 2001 - Basic and Material Science Applications of Hyperpolarized Gases
R.L. Walsworth
ISMRM Workshop on Limits of Detection in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Berkeley, CA, June 2001 - Multidisciplinary applications of laser-polarized noble gas magnetic resonance
R.L. Walsworth
2001 Winter Meeting on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, January, 2001. - Tortuosity measurement and the effects of finite pulse widths on xenon gas diffusion NMR studies of porous media
R.W. Mair, M.D. Hürlimann, L.M. Schwartz, P.N. Sen, S. Patz and R.L. Walsworth
5th International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Bologna, Italy, October 2000 - Multidisciplinary applications of laser-polarized noble gas magnetic resonance
R.L. Walsworth
2000 IEEE/EIA International Frequency Control Symposium, Kansas City, MO, June 2000 - New clock comparison tests of Lorentz symmetry
R.L. Walsworth and D.F. Phillips,
International Conference on Orbis Scientiae 1999: Quantum Gravity, Generalized Theory of Gravitation, and Superstring Theory Based Unification (28th Conference on High Energy Physics and Cosmology Since 1964), Fort Launderdale, FL, Dec 1999. - Applications of hyperpolarized noble gas NMR in materials science and condensed matter physics
R.L. Walsworth
66th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Chapel Hill, NC, November 1999 - Low-field MRI and functional lung imaging using laser polarized noble gases
R.L. Walsworth
Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Biological Physics, Atlanta, GA, March 1999 - New applications of laser-polarized noble gas NMR
R.L. Walsworth
40th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), Orlando, FL, March 1999 - Multidisciplinary applications of laser-polarized noble gas NMR
R.L. Walsworth
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP), Santa Fe, NM, May 1998 - Multidisciplinary investigations with laser-polarized gases
R.L. Walsworth
Atomic Physics Gordon Research Conference, Henniker, NH, July 1997 - Searching for a permanent electric dipole moment of 129Xenon with a dual noble gas maser
R.L. Walsworth
Symposium on the 25th Anniversary of the NIST/NBS Precision Measurement Grant Program, April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Washington, D.C., April 1995. - The cryogenic hydrogen maser: projected performance and recent progress toward spaceborne applications
R.L. Walsworth
21st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C., December 1989.
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts and Published Conference Papers
- Backside Integrated Circuit Magnetic Field Imaging with a Quantum Diamond Microscope. Edlyn V. Levine, Matthew J. Turner, Nicholas Langellier, Thomas M Babinec, Marko Loncar, Ronald L. Walsworth; November 15-19, 2020. Proceedings of the ISTFA 2020: Papers Accepted for the Planned 46th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis. Event canceled. (pp. 84-90). ASM.
- Strategies and New Technologies for Improved Production of Hyperpolarized 3He and 129Xe
D. Chonde, W. Barros, C-H. Li, M. S. Rosen, M. J. Barlow, R. W. Mair and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Ninth International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Cambridge, MA, July 2008. - MRI with Hyperpolarized 3He and 129Xe at Very-Low-Field
R. W. Mair, W. Barros, R. Scheidegger, D. Chonde, M. S. Rosen and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Ninth International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Cambridge, MA, July 2008. - Pulmonary Oxygen Mapping with 3He MRI at Very-Low-Field
R. W. Mair, R. N. Scheidegger, L. L. Tsai, M. S. Rosen and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Sixteenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, 2008, p. 1770. - Posture Dependent Effects on Human Pulmonary Oxygen Partial Pressure
R. N. Scheidegger, D. Chonde, L. L. Tsai, M. S. Rosen, S. Patz, R. W. Mair and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Sixteenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, 2008, p. 2661. - Human lung imaging in supine versus upright positions with a 6.5 mT open-access 3He MRI system: Initial results
L. L. Tsai, R. W. Mair, M. S. Rosen, S. Patz and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Fifteenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 2007, p. 943. - Mapping Human Pulmonary Oxygen Partial Pressure in Supine and Vertical Orientations: Initial Results
L. L. Tsai, R. W. Mair, A. Batrachenko, R. Scheidegger, M. S. Rosen, and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Fifteenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 2007, p. 2776. - NMR Measurement of Gas-Phase Dynamics in a Gas-Fluidized Particle Bed using Laser-Polarized Xenon NMR
R. W. Mair, M. S. Rosen, M. J. Barlow, D. Candela and R. L. Walsworth
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25, 572 (2007). - Improved Noble Gas Polarization Production for Porous and Granular Media Studies using Narrowed-Line VBG Laser Sources
R. W. Mair, M. J. Barlow, M. S. Rosen and R. L. Walsworth
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25, 549 (2007). - NMR Measurement of Gas-Phase Dynamics in a Gas-Fluidized Particle Bed using Laser-Polarized Xenon NMR
R. W. Mair, M. S. Rosen, M. J. Barlow, D. Candela and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Eighth International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Bologna, Italy, September 2006. - Improved Noble Gas Polarization Production for Porous and Granular Media Studies using Narrowed-Line VBG Laser Sources
R. W. Mair, M. J. Barlow, M. S. Rosen and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Eighth International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Bologna, Italy, September 2006. - Design and Construction of an Optimized Open-Access Human-Scale MRI Magnet for Posture Dependent Lung Studies
L. L. Tsai, M. S. Rosen, R. W. Mair and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Fourteenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Seattle, WA, 2006, p. 1380. - Study of Gas-Fluidization Dynamics with Laser-Polarized 129Xe
R. Wang, M. S. Rosen, D. Candela, R. W. Mair and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Seventh International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Paris, France, July 2004. - Xenon NMR Measurements of Permeability and Tortuosity in Reservoir Rocks
R. Wang, T. Pavlin, M. S. Rosen, R. W. Mair, D. G. Cory and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Seventh International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Paris, France, July 2004. - Design of an optimized open-access human-scale MRI magnet for orientational lung study
M. S. Rosen, L. L. Tsai, R. W. Mair and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Twelfth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, 2004, p. 749. - Initial Orientational Lung Imaging in an Open-Access Human-Scale Low-Field MRI System
R. W. Mair, M. I. Hrovat, S. Patz, M. S. Rosen, I. Ruset, G. P. Topulos, L. L. Tsai, F. W. Hersman and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Twelfth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, 2004, p. 859. - Importance of Susceptibility Effects in the Determination of Fractional Regional Blood Volume (fRBV)
T. Pavlin, G. P. Topulos, J. P. Butler, R. W. Mair, R. L. Walsworth and S. Patz
Proc. Twelfth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, 2004, p. 2183. - Design and Testing an Open, Human MRI system for Orientational Lung Study
F. W. Hersman, M. I. Hrovat, R. W. Mair, I. Muradyan, S. Patz, M. S. Rosen, I. Ruset, L. L. Tsai and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Eleventh Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, 2003, p. 750. - Velocity Imaging and Spectroscopy of Xenon Gas Flow
R. W. Mair, R. Wang, M. S. Rosen, D. G. Cory, R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Eleventh Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, 2003, p. 1678. - Signal Correction for Narrow-Bandwidth Coils
M. I. Hrovat, F. W. Hersman, R. W. Mair, S. Patz, R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Eleventh Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, 2003, p. 1053. - Applications of Controlled-Flow Laser-Polarized Xe Gas to Porous and Granular Media Study
R. W. Mair, R. Wang, M. S. Rosen, D. Candela, D. G. Cory and R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Sixth International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Ulm, Germany, September 2002. - Design and Construction of an Open Human-Scale Low-Field Imaging System
F. W. Hersman, I. Ruset, S. Patz, M. I. Hrovat, R. W. Mair, M. S. Rosen, R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Tenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, HI, 2002, p. 836. - Accurate Quantification of Fractional Blood Volume in Lung Tissue
G. P. Topulos, S. Patz, J. P. Butler, L. L. Tsai, R. W. Mair, M. S. Rosen, R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Tenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, HI, 2002, p. 1983. - Narrow Pulse Effects and Tortuosity Studies in Porous Media using Xenon Diffusion NMR
R. W. Mair, P. N. Sen, M. D. Hurlimann, S. Patz, D. G. Cory, R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Tenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, HI, 2002, p. 2007. - Using 129Xe Gas Exchange Measurements to Determine Surface Area to Volume Ratios in Porous Media
R. W. Mair, S. Patz, J. P. Butler, D. Hoffmann, G. P. Topulos, R. L. Walsworth
Proc. Eighth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Denver, CO, 2000, p. 2190. - Low Field MRI of Laser Polarized Noble Gas
R. Walsworth, G. Wong, C-H. Tseng, V. Pomeroy, R. Mair, D. Hinton, D. Hoffmann, R. Stoner, F.W. Hersman, and D. Cory
European Radiology 9, B4 (1999). - Time-Dependent Noble Gas Diffusion NMR in Porous Media and Implications for Lung Study
R.L. Walsworth, R.W. Mair, G.P. Wong, D. Hoffmann, S. Patz, M.D. Hurlimann, and L.M. Schwartz
European Radiology 9, B23 (1999). - Measurement of Surface Area to Volume Ratio With 129Xe NMR
J.P. Butler, S. Patz, D. Hoffmann, R.W. Mair, G.P. Topulos, and R.L. Walsworth
European Radiology 9, B24 (1999). - Biomedical Applications of Low Field MRI in Microgravity
J.P. Butler and R.L. Walsworth
European Radiology 9, B30 (1999). - Measurement of Surface Area to Volume Ratio with 129Xe Exchange
J.P. Butler, S. Patz, D. Hoffmann, R.W. Mair, G.P. Topulos, R.L. Walsworth
Proc. Seventh Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 1999, p. 317. - Time-Dependent Noble Gas Diffusion NMR in Porous Media and Implications for Lung Study
R.W. Mair, G.P. Wong, D. Hoffmann, S. Patz, M.D. Hurlimann, L.M Schwartz, R. L.Walsworth
Proc. Seventh Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 1999, p. 1799. - Low Field MR Imaging of Laser-Polarized Noble Gas
G. Wong, C-H. Tseng, V. Pomeroy, R. Mair, D. Hinton, D. Hoffmann, R. Stoner, F.W. Hersman, D. Cory, and R. Walsworth
Proc. Seventh Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 1999, p. 2089. - Multiple echo techniques for hyperpolarized noble gas MRI
L. Zhao, R. Mulkern, C.-H. Tseng, D. Williamson, K. Oshio, H. Gubbjartsson, R.L. Walsworth, F.A. Jolesz, and M.S. Albert
Proc. Fifth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vancouver, Canada, 1997, p. 305. - Optimization of RF pulses for hyperpolarized noble gas MRI: the variable flip angle approach
L. Zhao, R. Mulkern, C.-H. Tseng, D. Williamson, S. Patz, R. Kraft, R.L. Walsworth, F.A. Jolesz, and M.S. Albert
Proc. Fifth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vancouver, Canada, 1997, p. 2106. - Projection-reconstruction imaging with hyperpolarized 129Xe
D.F. Kacher, K. Shimizu, R.L. Walsworth, F.A. Jolesz, and M.S. Albert
Proc. Fifth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vancouver, Canada, 1997, p. 2112. - Demonstration of Hyperpolarized 129Xe MR Imaging (HypX-MRI) of the Human Oral Cavity
M.S. Albert, C.H. Tseng, D. Williamson, E. Oteiza, R. Walsworth, B. Kraft, D. Kacher, B.L. Holman and F.A. Jolesz
Proc. Fourth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, NY, 1996, p. 1356. - Hyperpolarized 129Xe Lifetimes in Blood
M.S. Albert, D. Balamore, K. Sakai, D. Kacher, R.L. Walsworth, E. Oteiza and F.A. Jolesz
Proc. Fourth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, NY, 1996, p. 1357. - Temporal Dynamics of Hyperpolarized 129Xe Resonances in Living Rats
K. Sakai, A.M. Bilek, C.-H. Tseng, D. Balamore, R.L. Walsworth, E. Oteiza, F.A. Jolesz and M.S. Albert
Proc. Fourth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, NY, 1996, p. 1359. - Calculation of Spin-Exchange Polarized 129Xe Uptake in Tissue for MR Applications
S. Peled, F.A. Jolesz, M.S. Albert and R.L. Walsworth
Proc. Third Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 1995, p. 1192. - Recent investigations with the Harvard-Smithsonian cryogenic hydrogen maser
R.L. Walsworth, E.M. Mattison, R.F.C. Vessot, and I.F. Silvera
Proc. 1993 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1993), p. 129. - Design of a hydrogen maser for space and progress on cryogenic hydrogen maser research
R.F.C. Vessot, E.M. Mattison, G.U. Nystrom, L.M. Coyle, R.L. Walsworth, R. Nicoll, D. Graveline, and R. Decher
Proc. 7th European Frequency and Time Forum (FSRM, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1993), p. 707. - Status of local oscillators for operating ultra-high resolution frequency discriminators as frequency standards
R.F.C. Vessot, E.M. Mattison, M.W. Levine, and R.L. Walsworth
Proc. 24th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting (U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C., 1993), p. 209. - The cryogenic hydrogen maser: projected performance and recent progress toward spaceborne applications
R.L. Walsworth, I.F. Silvera, R.F.C. Vessot, E.M. Mattison, and M.L. Dingus
Proc. 21st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting (U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C., 1990), p. 359. - Future prospects for the cold hydrogen maser
R.F.C. Vessot, E.M. Mattison, R.L. Walsworth, I.F. Silvera, and M.L. Dingus
Proc. 4th European Frequency and Time Forum (FSRM, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1990), p. 277. - Cryogenic hydrogen maser clock for use in space
E.M. Mattison, R.F.C. Vessot, and R.L. Walsworth
Proc. 6th Oregon Conference on Low Temperature Physics, edited by R.J. Donnelly (University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 1989), p. 28. - Results of two years of hydrogen maser clock operation at the U.S. Naval Observatory and ongoing research at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
R.F.C. Vessot, E.M. Mattison, W.J. Klepczynski, I.F. Silvera, H.P. Godfried, and R.L. Walsworth
Proc. 17th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting (U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C., 1985), p. 413. - Present clock stability and realistic prospects for the future
R.F.C. Vessot, E.M. Mattison, W.J. Klepczynski, G.M.R. Winkler, I.F. Silvera, H.P. Godfried, and R.L. Walsworth
Proc. 4th Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity, edited by R. Ruffini (Rome, Italy, 1985), p. 477.
Other Documents
- Injection locking of a fiber-coupled laser diode array
M.A. Humphrey, J.E. Massey, D.F. Phillips, and R.L. Walsworth - Pressure calibration notes for cell filling
G.P. Wong - Evaporative coating of Rb maser cells
D.F. Phillips, A. Boca, and R.L. Walsworth - Manual for coating glass cells with OTS
- Method and system for producing polarized 129Xe gas
T.E. Chupp, K. Coulter, E.R. Oteiza, and R.L. Walsworth
U.S. Patent # 5,617,860, April 8, 1997.